Cedric Hendrix: "I Can't Be The Only One Hearing This: A Lifetime of Music Through Eclectic Ears"

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Music provides the soundtrack to our lives. But music’s true excitement is often found on the off-beats.

Cedric Hendrix has been a music fan for more than four decades. His life of public service has been enhanced by a seemingly endless search for the best bands playing the perfect songs, the majority of which have been ignored by the commercial music industry.

At first, Hendrix discovered music via radio. But chance encounters, unplanned circumstances, and fortuitous timing have combined to send Hendrix down a musical path explored by a seemingly chosen few. The information he stockpiled qualifies him for membership in what seems like an exclusive club. Hendrix wants to swing those club doors open to anyone willing to listen.

I Can’t Be the Only One Hearing This is more than a book about music. It is an odyssey: an autobiographical journey through life via melody, harmony, and rhythm. Events mark the passage of time. Hendrix’s musical discoveries mark the events.

With the aid of musicians, journalists, record store experts, web designers, music store owners, and fans, Hendrix offers a look at music and bands both above and below the radar. He shows how through it all, there are really only two kinds of music: good and bad. Which is which is up to the listener.

Music is the soundtrack to life. Cedric Hendrix wants to share his life’s soundtrack. Put on your headphones and press “play.”

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