Club Weird: where everyone knows your favorite band
We all know what it’s like to share our favorite music only to hear, “Oh, I’ve never heard of them.” Even for bands that’ve been around for decades! At Club Weird, we say, “Oh, they’re awesome! I just bought their…”
Around here, you can bring up The Residents, King Crimson, Allan Holdsworth, Bent Knee, Flying Lotus, and Imogen Heap without having to explain yourself.
Investment with Benefits
When you join Club Weird, you’re investing in video and music production. In exchange, you’ll get the following exclusive benefits:
Early access to new Make Weird Music videos and prioritized comment replies
Members-only videos that will never, ever go public
Discounts on merch and tickets for concerts we host
Input and direction for the content we produce
A Club Weird badge next to your YouTube avatar
All this for a mere $3 per month!
Don’t like reading? Watch the video!
Where will your money go?
We live in a world where everyone is asking for money online, but very few people have worked 8 years before launching a membership option.
Make Weird Music has a track record of producing awesome content with incredible artists around the world. That ain’t free, folks.
The site started as a hobby and I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars—not including a home equity loan to build a YouTube studio—making it all happen. I’ve had the occasional sponsor for some larger costs, like concerts, but for the most part, I’ve just paid for everything out of my own pocket.
We have much bigger plans for the future, including paying content contributors to make this a bona fide music outlet. We want to film more in-person interviews and educational content with your favorite artists. We want to put on more amazing concerts and get lesser-known artists in front of more eyes and ears. Heck, we even want to pay artists for appearing on our channel!
No one is going to get rich from MWM. Making videos and music is something I’d be doing for the rest of my life with or without membership money. It’s fun! But I’m at the point where I can’t keep pouring thousands of dollars into a hobby instead of raising my family. My wife and children have been very patient with me, but anyone with a family should understand what I’m saying here.
Where has money come from anyway?
Outside of my bank account, MWM has historically made money from the following:
T-shirt, hat, and book sales
Hosting and producing concerts
Generous donations from people who dig what we do
YouTube ad revenue (since early 2021)
Most years, I’ve spent a few thousand more than I’ve made, usually around $3,000-5,000. In 2021, I made a $500 profit on $9,200 in revenue ($6,300 came from YouTube ads).
What do I need to sign up?
You need a YouTube account and a way for YouTube to collect payment. That’s it. They handle everything on their end.
What personal information does Make Weird Music get?
We don’t get anything other than your YouTube account name. I can’t contact you directly, nor do I get your name, email, or phone number, unless you put that stuff in your account name. :) Furthermore, I don’t want your personal info. I just want you to interact with the channel and get something out of it.
Do you have to be weird to sign up?
Nope. You just have to love music and come with an open mind.
I want to support MWM, but I don’t want to pay monthly.
Hey, no problemo! Thanks for your generous heart! We happily accept one-time donations. Click the button below. 👇